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mission | Cincinnati Coworks – A Coworking Community & Shared Office Space

Posts Tagged ‘mission’

Could Coworking Have A Major Impact On Our City?

Posted under , , , , , on February 11th, 2010 by gerard 2 Comments

“Ever wonder if your idea could have a major impact on our city?” asks the folks at Ignite Cincinnati (not to be confused with Ignite Cincinnati).  We believe Cincy Coworks could.  So we filled out their appreciatively brief grant application form.  There are some logistical and demographic questions, but here is the money question and […]

Why Cincinnati Coworks?

Posted under , , , on September 18th, 2009 by gerard 2 Comments

I’m often asked about coworking. I give the “get out of the house” explanation.  I give the community story.  But if pressed, I give the Cincinnati answer. The Cincinnati answer begins in Columbus.  I am on some random Columbus mailing lists, and I one day I realized that Columbus has a lot going on.  If […]