Posts Tagged ‘marketing’
QC Merge & Cincy Coworks
Something special happened last week. A 1st-year conference gathered over 80 people in a funky downtown space for two days of learning, friendships, and inspiration. Queen City Merge was, in my opinion, a success. No, it wasn’t perfect, but as a 1st-year conference it can only get better. The conference ended on the Reds party […]
Hello There! My name is Marcelina
One of my favorite quotes is by William Blake. It goes like this: “I must create a system or be enslaved by another man’s; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.” Well, that pretty much sums me up. I am video producer and director. I am a teacher. I am a […]
The Cincy Coworks Job
Cincinnati Coworks is looking for someone to help us grow. Call it an internship, administrator or office manager position; quite simply we need someone who can help us grow membership directly through marketing and PR skills, and indirectly by smoothing out the current members’ experiences. But this is a two-way street and we also want […]