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Long Live The Pig! | Cincinnati Coworks – A Coworking Community & Shared Office Space

Long Live The Pig!

Posted under on July 3rd, 2012 by gerard Leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.

Cincinnati Coworks will suspend operations indefinitely starting July 15th. After July 15th, we will not be accepting new memberships, and will not be hosting events.


Since that first informal coworking day in September, 2009, Bill and I have learned a lot, had fun, and most importantly met some great people we would not otherwise have met if it were not for Cincy Coworks.  While we never made as big a splash as we would have liked, we can certainly point to success stories. Cincy Coworks has:

  • spun off an agency.
  • provided temporary space to three nonprofits, helping a couple get off the ground.
  • assisted in the planning and execution of the inaugural Queen City Merge conference.
  • directly and indirectly provided members seeking employment with jobs.
  • hosted a few movie nights, including an independent film premiere!
  • provided members with dozens of freelance gigs and leads and referrals.
  • hosted more than a few parties and late nights of alcohol-fueled pontificating.
  • hosted dozens of meetups and user groups, leading to other connections.
  • frequently patronized local businesses in the Walnut Hills and East Walnut Hills neighborhoods.

We have always operated Cincy Coworks under the assumption that it be self-sustaining. We’ve tried to grow and develop the business, all while doing our day jobs, paying our bills, and even working on other side efforts. Unfortunately, membership has dipped below the point that we can pay our expenses. Businesses obviously require capital investment in some cases, but this was never that type of business.

Cincy Coworks was chartered originally to bring people with ideas together to progress the city. When I look around at all that’s happened since 2009, I see lots of other individuals, groups, and companies working towards the same goal and doing much better. That said, I believe Cincy Coworks has played its small part in this over the past three years.

I still believe true coworking can thrive in Cincinnati. If you or someone you know is interested in taking over the operations of Cincy Coworks, whether in its current location, or a new location, let’s talk. Follow us on Twitter and sign up for the newsletter to keep up with any future announcements. If you are looking for a coworking space, keep an eye on 3C Coworks, opening in Fall 2012.

Gerard Sychay
Bill Barnett

Posted under on July 3rd, 2012 by gerard Leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to Long Live The Pig!

  1. We would LOVE to chat about continuing your coworking space at our location! Please contact me so we can discuss! 513-332-4888