Beginning in January we are introducing the Cincy CoWorks Lunch and Learn Series. Every second Thursday of the month from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM we will provide lunch and a presenter to speak to topics such as taxes, insurance, marketing, enhancing your LinkedIn profile and much more! Be sure keep an eye on our Events calendar and to Like us on Facebook to receive updates on our upcoming Lunch and Learns.
You don’t have to be a member to come and join us for the series, but we would love to have you join the Cincy CoWorks gang. Details on how to RSVP are coming soon.
Interested in spending the day and checking out the space? Just drop us a line and one of us will make an appointment to welcome you in for the day.
Have a wonderful and happy holiday weekend!
Cincy CoWorks Team
Great ideas guys, I would be interested in attending these sessions.