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community – Cincinnati Coworks – A Coworking Community & Shared Office Space https://cincycoworks.com We help people start things Tue, 15 May 2012 16:18:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 Starfire Council members spend the morning at Cincy CoWorks! https://cincycoworks.com/2012/05/15/starfire-council-members-spend-the-morning-at-cincy-coworks/ Tue, 15 May 2012 16:16:16 +0000 http://www.cincycoworks.com/?p=952 This morning members from Starfire stopped by Cincy CoWorks to work on a project.  They hung out for about an hour at CincyCoWorks.

Here is information from the Starfire Council website about our new friends.

Starfire enables individuals with disabilities to become active and vital members of the community. Since 1993, Starfire has offered innovative programs that address the emerging needs of teens and adults with disabilities.

Starfire believes every person has gifts that should be valued and respected. Time at Starfire is spent discovering those gifts and finding the people and places where those gifts are able to shine the brightest. Starfire recognizes that all people want acceptance and need relationships. There is great value to relationships with the community and neighbors so an emphasis on building connection runs throughout each program. Starfire strives to maximize resources and generate new avenues and networks of connections for people.

Every program provides opportunities for individuals to learn and practice their social skills and create strategies for interacting with the community. Click here to learn more about Starfire’s programs.

We look forward to the Starfire gang visiting us again soon!


Could Coworking Have A Major Impact On Our City? https://cincycoworks.com/2010/02/11/could-coworking-have-a-major-impact-on-our-city/ https://cincycoworks.com/2010/02/11/could-coworking-have-a-major-impact-on-our-city/#comments Thu, 11 Feb 2010 06:01:05 +0000 http://www.cincycoworks.com/2010/02/11/could-coworking-have-a-major-impact-on-our-city/ “Ever wonder if your idea could have a major impact on our city?” asks the folks at Ignite Cincinnati (not to be confused with Ignite Cincinnati).  We believe Cincy Coworks could.  So we filled out their appreciatively brief grant application form.  There are some logistical and demographic questions, but here is the money question and our answer.


Ignite projects should be created by you! Step outside of the box and think of something unique that 18-40 year-olds would find both interesting and cool. Tell us why we should vote YES for your project and let us know how it will be a reflection on young people and the neighborhoods in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.


Coworking generally brings to mind young creatives tapping away at laptops in a cool office space. We want to create this and more. These solo-preneurs are hard at work building the next big agency, or building the next big startup, or simply enjoying the benefits of being your own boss. These people are already in Cincinnati. We just need to bring them together.

We envision Cincinnati Coworks as a platform for events with a civic-minded focus on making Cincinnati a better city. We want to do so by hosting user groups, SIG’s, GiveCamps, Barcamps, mini-conferences, community classes, Pecha Kucha nights, Ignite events (the other Ignite Cincinnati), you-name-it.  We’ll provide the space at little or no cost and a built-in network of potential participants. At Cincinnati Coworks, our mission as a professional community hub is to transform how people in Cincinnati with ideas get together and make the region a better place to live. Also, with the coworking visa program, coworking members in other cities know they have a place to work when they visit Cincinnati.

Our operations are supported by our coworking members. These members are freelancers, consultants, and independent contractors who are by definition cut of a different cloth. We provide them a place to work and collide with like-minded people. The whole business is structured so that these members build a community and friendships.  Did you ever become really good friends with someone you worked with?  Imagine the same thing, only now you’re your own boss, and you get to work with friends without the office politics, without the org chart, without superiors, without having to deal with others who really don’t want to be there.

Coworking is not unique throughout the country, but it is unique in this city.  I know of no coworking spaces open currently. In fact, with as many independent consultants and creatives buzzing around Cincinnati, I find it surprising and a bit of a shame that there has been no coworking space opened to date. We want to fix this problem. That is why you should vote YES for Cincinnati Coworks.

https://cincycoworks.com/2010/02/11/could-coworking-have-a-major-impact-on-our-city/feed/ 2
5 Ways To Be “Less” Independent Coworking https://cincycoworks.com/2010/01/06/be-less-independent-coworking/ https://cincycoworks.com/2010/01/06/be-less-independent-coworking/#comments Wed, 06 Jan 2010 08:04:22 +0000 http://www.cincycoworks.com/?p=259 Chances are that if you’ve heard anything about coworking you’ve heard something to the effect of “coworking is a place where entrepreneurs and independents can work instead of working from home or a café.” If that’s your impression then you’re just scratching the surface of the true value of coworking. One of our favorite names for a coworking space is “Independents Hall” in, of course, Philadelphia but we’d like to share five ways to gain value from becoming less independent by coworking. Heresy you say? Hear us out…

  1. You can depend on others. Tired of working for the man? Always wanted to work for yourself? Become more “independent” but you just don’t know where to begin or how to start? Guess where you can find a whole bunch of creative, energetic, self-starters like yourself? You guessed it, at your local coworking space or Jelly meet-up. Yes, we’re suggesting that you begin life as an independent be depending upon the knowledge of those who have gone before you!
  2. You can depend on learning. Coworking spaces are a relatively new phenomenon which our experience has shown tend to attract professionals who are naturally inquisitive and who not only expect to learn from their peers but who often make unexpected discoveries from professionals in other domains. You’ll always be able to depend on learning something new from fellow members.
  3. You can depend on opportunity. No one is an island and frequently members require more assistance than a few casual questions can provide. This leads to opportunity as members often turn to those within easy reach, other members. Developers find designers. Photographers find accountants. Entrepreneurs find collaborators. Opportunity leads to success upon which all members depend.
  4. You can depend on diversity. Corporate environments tend to breed groupthink where ideas are homogenized to the point of irrelevance. The diversity of experiences differs from one member to the next exposing members a wide variety of solutions to choose from or to blend into a novel new solution. You may very well come to depend upon the diversity of ideas to help solve your problems.
  5. You can depend on community. Communities are formed when diverse members grow, learn and share in an open environment free of corporate constraints. Members can always depend on a rich, diverse community.

OK, so by now our little ruse should be apparent. What you take away from your coworking experience depends on you!

https://cincycoworks.com/2010/01/06/be-less-independent-coworking/feed/ 2