Happy New Year!
Our first Lunch and Learn will be on Thursday, Jan. 26 from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. Our first guest is Erich Hemm, an Intellectual Property Lawyer who focuses on small biz owners/freelancers and entrepreneurs (Please RSVP: http://twtvite.com/lunchnlearn201201).
Our second guest is Lorain Pettit, CPA. She will provide us with some tax time advice! She will join us on Thursday, Feb. 9, 11:30 AM to 1 PM (Please RSVP: http://twtvite.com/lunchnlearn-cpa).
Please note, except for January, the L & L will try to be on the second Thursday of the month.
The L & L are open to the public! Feel free to invite guests. All we ask is that you RSVP on the twtvite link for a head count.
Finally, if there is a topic you would like to have covered or an expert you would like for me to invite to present, let us know!