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We’re Coworking Weekly Now! | Cincinnati Coworks – A Coworking Community & Shared Office Space

We’re Coworking Weekly Now!

Posted under , , , on October 20th, 2009 by gerard Leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.

If you didn’t make our inaugural coworking day, don’t worry.  Our next coworking day is Monday, October 26th.  If that’s too short notice, don’t worry!  Why shouldn’t you worry?  Because we are doing it every week from here on out!  We cowork every Monday from 10am – 5pm down at Venue222.  The details remain largely the same as the first event, but you can read about them again on the event page.

This gives you plenty of chances to attend, and us plenty of chances to improve.  For example, here are some changes we’ve made so far:

  • Improved arrangement of tables and chairs.  We’ll try to maintain the 2nd floor for hard-core workers, and the 1st floor for those who wish to work a little less and network a little more.
  • A dedicated door presence to assist participants and to make newcomers feel welcome.

We’re still working on an online payment solution that works well for weekly recurring events (we’re open to suggestions), so pay the drop-in fee at the door.

If you work from home and want to get out, or can work offsite for a day, join us!  See you on Monday.

Jelly San Diego

N.B. This is not a picture of us. This is a picture of Jelly San Diego. But I liked it.

Posted under , , , on October 20th, 2009 by gerard Leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to We’re Coworking Weekly Now!

  1. Just so excited to follow your progress. The coworker idea is just awesome. I was a coffee house owner and still desire to be connected to that type of lifestyle. Although to be more constructive now.
    I’ll be watching.

  2. Joe Kikta says:

    Mondays aren’t great for me right now.) Might be able to stop in occasionally in the afternoon. If anybody is interested in coworking another day of the week (particularly this week) let me know.

  3. […] started with a single, one-time day of coworking and had 17 people show up.  We started coworking once/week, and had many visitors and 3-4 regulars.  Then, we moved into the cozier 3rd floor, which […]